With Lenka & Suyana & Johannes Siemann (percussion)
Vrijdag 15/11
(English below)
Laat deze avond je verbinden met de zachte, helende energie van je innerlijke wereld.
Deze avond is een uitnodiging om diep te zakken in de helende frequenties van je ziel. Lenka & Suyana gaan prachtige hartsliederen & mantras zingen die je uitnodigen om diep te ontspannen en je lichaam, geest en ziel te herbronnen.
Ze delen liederen van over de hele wereld en verschillende tradities, die je gaan meenemen op een reis diep naar binnen. Terug naar jezelf, naar je kern, naar de bron. Je bent welkom om te baden en luisteren, of om je stem mee te laten klinken in harmonie en eenheid. Samen weven we een heerlijk tapijt van klank, om thuis te komen bij onszelf.
Dit is een unieke kans, aangezien Lenka in Oostenrijk woont! We brengen dit samen met Johannes Siemann, die de 'heartbeat' gaat meedragen doorheen deze avond.
Voor Lenka en Suyana voelt het alsof ze altijd al samen gezongen hebben. Hun harten zijn diep met elkaar verbonden, en hun stemmen dansen samen vanuit deze verbinding. Ze zullen een ruimte openen waarin je thuiskomt, je verbinding met de geest voedend en een tapijt van lichtheid, inspiratie en goedheid wevend.
PRAYERS OF LIGHT With Lenka & Suyana & Johannes Siemann (percussion)
Friday 15/11
Let this evening connect you with the gentle, healing energy of your inner world.
This evening is an invitation to sink deeply into the healing frequencies of your soul. Lenka & Suyana will sing beautiful heart-songs and mantras that invite you to deeply relax and replenish your body, mind, and soul.
They will share songs from around the world and various traditions, taking you on a journey deep within—to yourself, your essence, your source. You are welcome to bathe in the music and listen, or to join in with your voice in harmony and unity. Together, we will weave a beautiful tapestry of sound, guiding us home to ourselves.
This is a unique opportunity, as Lenka lives in Austria! We will be joined by Johannes Siemann, who will carry the ‘heartbeat’ throughout the evening.
Lenka and Suyana have been singing together for what feels like a 100 years. Their hearts deeply connected, their voices dance together straight from this connection.
They will open up a space where you can come home, nourishing your connection to spirit, weaving a tapestry of lightness, inspiration and goodness.
A heartwarming night not to be missed
:::About Lenka::: Lenka has been touching peoples heart since many years through her angelic voice and empowering yoga classes. She has been sharing her healing voice in singing circles and concerts for many years and is the inspired creator of the ‘Bhakti night’ events. She has been studying in depth various types of yoga and has been a certified yoga teacher for several years. She is currently teaching at a.o. 'CITY YOGA' in Graz.
:::About Suyana::: Suyana’s journey led her deeply into discovering the healing power of sacred space, conscious voice work, mantra practice and shamanic ritual. She is sharing the strong love and connection to source she is feeling when singing in her singing circles, workshops and healing sessions.
:::About Johannes::: Johannes is a creative jack-of-all-trades, and is offering emotional/bodywork sessions, creatives impressive woodwork, and shares his love for music through various forms & instruments.