In the coming times we will send you all practical information you need for joining the concert.
I'm looking forward with all my heart to this time together. Sending much love Suyana
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Please check your spam or junk mail folder to make sure you don't miss any of my mails. If you have not received a message from info(at)suyana (dot)net within 1 week, please send us another mail
I also wanted to let you know that I will be sharing a Free 3-part online mantra workshop, called 'The Healing Power of Mantras'.
In this free course I will share with you tools I have used and that can help you to find more stillness within. You will learn how to use mantras as a support in challenging times, and how to create a stronger foundation of peace and empowerment within yourself through mantra practice. If you are interested, you can find more information HERE.