18-19 NOVEMBER 2023
* deze workshop is in het Nederlands Within one lifetime we are going through many cycles of death and rebirth. As much as we can be blessed by precious moments, we also are confronted with times of doubt, insecurities, not knowing and feeling closed off to our hearts, our soul, our true path. This weekend Suyana will guide you through a 2 day healing journey of reconnecting to your Essence and to re-activate the self-empowered woman that you are.
COMING HOME WITHIN When we lose the way, we are often disconnected from ourselves. In this circle of women, you will be guided to turn your attention inwards and open up to all the gifts that live inside. By connecting to the guidance of your soul you will be able to walk with more clarity. By opening up your heart you can release what is holding you back from fully living and loving yourself. And by coming home into yourself, you will feel more empowered in every choice you make
There will be 3 main elements that will guide you through this healing journey :
This is an invitation to start remembering your Essence. So that you can walk through life with renewed inspiration, connection to yourself and your inner wisdom guiding you the way. When you are connected to your soul, you are connected to all of life. You will feel more supported, guided and whole.
You will work with : Guided meditations to connect to your soul-essence Tools to receive guidance from within Rituals to feel and strengthen this connection Practices to deeply nourish yourself
When the heart is open, the soul can guide. We need to keep opening and softening up our hearts to do the powerful work of forgiving, accepting, letting go and moving forward. To learn to love and embrace ourselves fully and completely requires commitment and dedication to grow, to embrace all that is, and to choose over and over again to meet ourselves in our deepest parts. This is where compassion can rise, where we heal and where true wisdom is born, When we learn to love ourselves it gives us a strong foundation to tap into our creative essence and it activates our natural state of joyous being and gratitude for life. This we can carry with us and nurture no matter what life is presenting.
You will work with : The power of toning and singing to open your heart from within Practices to connect with self-love Rituals to release heaviness from the heart. Heart-opening blessing rituals
SELF- EMPOWERMENT When you open up your being to receive support from LIFE, life can flow to and through you in it’s full capacity. To open up and fill yourself up on a daily basis is so essential to keep your batteries charged, your intuition sharp and your focus strong. It provides you with the stability to keep moving forward; with one eye focussed on your inner being, connected, loving, centered, and the other eye looking outward meeting everything that is coming to you. To feel self-empowered gives you the courage to face your fears, and - despite them - still act, move, grow and stand strong in your choices.
You will work with : The medicine of movement Empowerment from within Tools to invite power Singing as a tool to recharge your energy field
In the safe space of this circle you will receive support, and you will give support. You will come to witness and to be seen. You will be invited to share, to release, to forgive. To listen, open up and heal. You will be activating the inherent energy that is alive in the core of your being.
And it will be just a start. The real invitation is to integrate the seeds that will be planted this weekend and to keep choosing to loving yourself. To keep remembering to be compassionate with yourself. And to keep finding ways to return to your Soul-center where you are always held, and where you are always Home.
You can sign up below
Suyana has found immense liberation in overcoming fears and self-judgment. Dedicated to following her soul's calling she kept stepping out of her comfort zone and finding ways to grow and find her place in the world. She is creating healing spaces through her many offerings for people to come home into their own hearts. Singing has been one of the main tools in her path of liberation.
"Singing pain into peace and singing in honor to celebrate this beautiful existence. It is the voice that always opened the door to healing and inner peace, and into a state of deep connection with the Source of life and Love that shines at the center of our Being.
She performed worldwide and shared the stage with musicians as Kevin James (AU), Shastro (IT), Luis Paniagua (SP), Mitsch Kohn (DE), Ayla (UK), Lulu & Mischka (AU), Mariana Root (PT), Gaiatrees (DE) and Yopi (DE) ao.
Inspired by her personal transformation she started to share her voice-work in 2014, guiding circles in Austria, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, Peru, Hungary, Denmark, India, Italy & Greece.
Dear Suyana Thank you so much for this women’s circle. It was amazing and just what I was longing for. I really needed support and sisterhood in this moment, needed to be held and this was exactly what I received. It was so nourishing to meet up with these beautiful women. I loved the singing together, finding my voice and expressing myself in the save space of the circle. It inspired me and brought me back on my path to share my light and gifts with others as well. Thank you for your devotional work, it is so necessary that women realize the beauty and power that lays inside.. Mi Cha
'It was such a magical experience to attend one of Suyana's Women's circle. An experience I will never forget. She creates a safe, comfortable and loving space for everyone and facilitates such deep healing. To describe Suyana is to describe love. The world is a better place because of people like her, and I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to meet and learn from her. Marita https://www.maritamaeland.com
Dear Suyana On Saturday evening a whole new world opened up for me! The combination of a women's circle with the singing was so beautiful. Until now I was always skeptic about women's circles because I believed that women were not ready to have integrated the unique combination of the softness and strength needed to guide such a circle. You proved the opposite for me.. I also discovered that maybe singing IS my 'thing', despite that I am singing out of tune my whole life. I know now I want to keep singing and exploring with my voice. Thousand times thanks to collect and offer your softness and strength! Much love.!
Sitting in Circle with Suyana is an incredibly special experience. Her beautiful energy creates a safe space where people can be open and honest with each other and with themselves. What really sets Suyana apart is her exceptional singing voice. Her use of mantra and song is incredibly peaceful, while at the same time energizing you. Raising your voice in unison with Suyana and the other women present (regardless of whether you “think you can sing” or not) makes for a singularly wonderful experience that will stay with you for a long, long time..
Bijdrage: 255€* (incl lesgeld, thee en snacks) Vroegboekkorting: 230€* bij inschrijving en betaling een maand voor aanvang van de cursus Speciale korting: kom met 2 en betaal 195€* per persoon