Getting ready to come together with like-hearted souls, to share the sacred space of sound and silence... to dive into an evening of music, prayer, connection, hightened awareness, deep relaxation ... There is nothing more I love to do ... to open up a space where people can come home to themselves ... where we can rest in our own hearts. It took me such a long journey of believing in myself, overcoming so many moments of doubt and disbelieve, and yet there was planted a seed in my heart.. This seed was containing ..whispers of inspiration, ..words of courage, ..and a stubbornness that despite what my reality was reflecting, I knew that something was going to be born.. that I was going to be born, re-birthed in this life.. many times again and again. This seed grew .. my voice grew, my vision grew I started believing more and more even though I couldn't put a name or form on what was to come I started relaxing and trusting.. that as long as I was following the path of my Heart, I would be guided and cared for. To my surprise beautiful songs started to be born, in the most challenging time of my life. Jewels that I couldn't have imagined 'writing' ... messages and support straight from source ... They started to show me the way inwards, the way to myself, and forward, upward... Flowers started blooming and I found myself sharing songs, circles, sounds .. All the tools that I was collecting were used to create spaces with this one purpose ... for all to come and stand still, take a deep breath, and open our hearts to what is here and now. To be inspired and integrate the inspiration in daily life, to feel ignited and remember dreams, to walk this life with more courage and a heart that is being heard... to dive deep into the mystery of Sound and Connection and to paint the sky with melodies that go beyond words... From the heart... To the Heart I'd love to know... What are your soul-whispers telling you?
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