A 6-week live online journey into the healing power of your heart, using mantras to connect to the wisdom of your soul and find peace within
New 6-Week Live Video Training Starts Sunday May 9, 2021 7 PM CEST
Mantrasareanincredibletool if you want to bringmore joy, peace and harmony into your life,
They directly and effortlessly soothe the heart and calm the mind,andhaveaprofoundeffectonourstateofbeing.Inthiscoursewewillnotonlyexperience the beauty and healingthatchantingmantrasbringsus,butwewilldelveintoawayofgoing deep within ourselves on an introspective journey togetthemostoutoftheexperienceofchanting.
Mantras are powerful vibrational tools. Itissaidthatmantrasactlikekeystounlockcertainpartsofus.Becauseofthevibrationalfrequenciesthatcertainmantrasemit,theycanhaveaprofoundeffectonourstateofbeing.
Whenweimmerseourselvesinamantrapractice,weaimtobecomethatkey,tobecomeonewiththatvibrationsothat the chanting experiencecan support us on a deeper level in whatever area we are dedicating our practice to.
We interweave the chanting and our daily lives in a way that we can use the chanting to tune into ourselves, feel what is alive inside of us, process emotions and transform them through the practice.
"Mantrashavebeenakeythathasopenedthedoortomanyself-healingprocessesinmylife.Theyhavesupportedmeinlettinggoofwavesofdepression,raisingmyvibrationandopening my voice and heart, leadingmedeeperand deeper home within myself.
The silence, peace and joy I found within myself while chanting the mantras. were fundamental to my growth. Through chanting, I continually realigned myself with the vibration of my soul and was able to listen more clearly to the guidance that came from within.
I am grateful to now also take you with me on this journey to experience how mantras can be an easy, accessible, tool of healing in your life.
Whetheryouareacomplete"beginner"andshyawayfromusingyourvoice,oryouhavebeenchantingmantrasforyears,thisjourneywilligniteanew levelofopenness, inspiration, anddedicationto a practice of self-care and self-love andpersonaltransformationthat wecanachievewhenwedivedeeperintothemysticalworldofMantraMeditation."
Six 90-minute live sessions (weekly) (Every Sunday - 7PM CEST) Each week there will be one live session where the new module will be introduced. In order to go deep within the mantra practice, we will work with one mantra per week. Eachsessionwillbeapproximately90minuteslong.Outsideofthesession,youwillreceiveadditionalmaterialtohelpyouworkwiththematerialinthebestwaypossible.Incaseyoucan'tmakeittothelivesessions,thereplayswillbeavailable.
Video recordings of all sessions
Aftereachclass,thevideorecordingsareavailableforyou to review and practice. This will enable you to catch up easily in case you missed a session or to keep working with the material after the course has finished.
Separate audio recordings of all mantras for practicing
Separatefromthecompletesession,youwillreceivetheaudioversionsofthemantras and songs we will sing together. This wayyoucanusetherecordingsforpracticingatanytime.
For those who feel shy when it comes to singing, or who haven't sung for many years, this course will gently take you by the hand and allow you to explore your connection to your voice. This will be woven into the course, but asa bonus,2 'Opening of the Voice' sessions are also included to further support you in embracing your voice as the healing tool that it is, exactly as it is in this moment.
Guitar chords from all the mantras The chords of all songs are provided to make playing along easy, for those of you who wish to play the mantras you have learned at home on guitar, piano or harmonium.
Ifyouarenotsatisfied, let us know within 14 days and youwillreceive100%ofyourmoneyback. No questions asked
This journey will bring you closer to yourself and give you tools to continually center, balance and uplift yourself in the times ahead.
Often our inner critic and busy mind are in the way of allowing ourselves to really take care of ourselves. When aligning ourselves to our inner center, we are working with a tool that supports us to become really present with what is. In this state of presence, it is easier to be with and embrace tumultuous emotions and reconnect to the light that is shining from deep within.
This will be the foundation upon which the rest of the journey will be built.
In this first module you will:
Work with mantras as a tool for alignment
Learn various ways how to bring mantra practice into your daily live
Practice aligning yourself with your inner center
Receive tools to work with the light that is radiating within you
SUNDAY 16 MAY 2021
In this module, we will tune into support to overcome obstacles and let go of suffering by holding ourselves in a field of compassion. While embracing our pains and struggles, we will channel them into the chanting practice to transform and release them. This week's mantra will bring us to a very nurturing, self-loving, compassionate place within ourselves.
In this module you will:
Learn how to evoke nourishing energy and let it radiate from deep within
Open up to receive support and be embraced
Further explore singing from your heart
SUNDAY 23 MAY 2021
When we return to the practice of tuning into the full potential that lives within our soul, on a daily basis, in all the small gestures and moments, we awaken that full potential. We start with remembering and with deeply embodying that aliveness in our mantra practice, and in each small but significant moment, we return to this connection afterward in our daily lives.
In this module you will:
Work with a mantra that supports the awakening of the blueprint of your full potential
Practice the embodiment of this vibration
Connect to the essence of your soul through the mantra practice
SUNDAY 30 MAY 2021
This week you will focus on tuning into your inner wisdom. By creating the right environment to be listening more attentively, and to allow your inner guide to show you the way, your mantra practice will be supporting you to connect to your inner source of knowledge and will bring you clarity on a daily basis.
In this module you will:
Learn to listen within to receive inner guidance
Create a practice that will support you in staying deeply connected to your inner self
Strengthen your connection to your inner center through chanting
When you want to feel supported when it comes to any imbalances on the physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual level, this week's mantra practice will give you wind under your wings. It is one of those great healing mantras on all levels, and can even support you in your healing practice not only for your own healing, but for that of others as well.
In this module you will:
work with one of the ancient mantras for healing
bathe in a field of wholeness evoked by this mantra
further deepen the experience of the powerful healing effect of chanting
This mantra has been sung for thousands of years by thousands of souls. Just like the ones that came before us, we will be chanting this mantra to connect to the highest light and honor the life-force that is radiating within us. We honor the divinity that is alive in every cell of our being, and return to a state of wholeness that is healing to the mind, heart, body and soul.
In this module you will:
learn to merge with the light of life
experience the peace and harmony that comes with chanting this mantra
feel supported by arriving in a state of wholeness and openness to life
To close our beautiful journey we'll come together once more and chant our hearts out in this 90minute singing circle. We'll go from mantra to mantra, deeper and deeper, allowing YOUR voice to guide you into a deep state of meditation and heart-opening.
In this session you will:
bring together all the methods you have been using during the course
experience the heart-opening quality of chanting
dive deep into self-love and self-acceptance through the chanting
What is included:
1 live session a week. (90 minute sessions, starting at 7 PM CEST)
Video recordings of all sessions
Audio files of all sessions
Audio recordings of all mantras for daily practice
Guitar chords of all mantras
Extra support for opening your voice
Guidance to personalize and deepen your practice
Guided healing meditations
Q&A, Personal support & Community support
Bonus Closing session: Online Singing circle
What people say about Suyana
"I started the first day with an empty part inside myself and left the second day filled with love, inner fullness and connection. Suyana led us very soft and gentle out of our comfort zone and created a space, where everything was welcomed like it was. Her voice is full of peace, light, softness, power, dedication - and brought me to tears several times. Definitely one of the most heart-opening events I have ever experienced" Dana Zuther
After performing and teaching sound healing for over 23 years myself, I am very impressed by her natural ability to teach this delicate craft of voice work in a way that I can only describe as pure and heart-centered. Her teaching comes straight from the heart and ignited the group from the first minute. I was amazed at how quickly she had her participants opening their voice and singing from their soul, often being brought to tears. The work was profound and deeply moving. By the end of the workshop, the whole group had literally changed. Suyana is a gifted healer and teacher. I highly recommend her work". Roel Crabbé www.roelcrabbe.com
I have a really hard time putting into words how it was to attend Suyana's workshop. Her presence is like a ray of sunshine that lights up places where before there was a muddy darkness. Learning became effortless and fun. I found myself wanting to try things I didn't dare to do before. Singing became like praying and playing at the same time. It was a deeply nourishing and inspiring experience for me that helped me connect with something bigger than me. I can highly recommend her workshops. Clemens
"This was an inspirational workshop that helped me to find a deep soul connection with my voice once again! Suyana guides us to discover and explore the freedom, flow and glow of our true natural voice within!" Lynn
"Suyana understands how to softly open and hold such a warm, loving, nourishing space, that reaches deep, deep, deep, where whatever arises is swayed in her gentle sounds and in that the soul remembers. After I truly felt like flying and being showered in light by being bathed in Suyana's voice, I returned different - much, much lighter. I can only highly recommend putting yourself in her caring arms, voice and presence, where something happens, that speaks right to your heart and frees your soul." Sara Ursula
"Your authentic way of expressing yourself, immediately helped me to allow myself the same.. to speak and sing from my heart. Thank you for creating such a loving and supportive space, that made me feel safe enough to open up not only my voice but also my heart. I still remember that blissful feeling when thoughts disappeared and intuition took over and was leading my voice. What a great joy and liberation it was to find my way back to exploring and playing!" Sabine S.
The weekend with Suyana and the beautiful group of people she gathered was just amazing. It has been so touching on physical, mental and emotional level. It is incredibly beautiful to meet a person that is teaching and sharing from the deepest of her heart. Thank you so much Suyana for opening this powerful way and tool to me! Corinna Strodl
Suyana has an incredible way of helping participants connect with their heart, to allow the songs of their soul to emerge naturally.The workshop was a precious gift which helped to strengthen that bond between my voice & heart. Exploring sound in such an open & intimate setting enriched my confidence and helped me reach new levels of trust. I would recommend this course for anyone interested in expanding their self-expression & opening the doors to creativity. Kuba https://kubaambrose.com
About Suyana
Suyana has found immense liberation in overcoming fears and self-judgment. Dedicated to following her soul's calling she kept stepping out of her comfort zone and finding ways to grow and find her place in the world. She is creating healing spaces through her many offerings for people to come home into their own hearts. Singing has been one of the main tools in her path of liberation.
"Singing pain into peace and singing in honor to celebrate this beautiful existence. It is the voice that always opened the door to healing and inner peace, and into a state of deep connection with the Source of life and Love that shines at the center of our Being.
She performed worldwide and shared the stage with musicians as Kevin James (AU), Shastro (IT), Luis Paniagua (SP), Mitsch Kohn (DE), Ayla (UK), Lulu & Mischka (AU), Mariana Root (PT), Gaiatrees (DE) and Yopi (DE) ao.
Inspired by her personal transformation she started to share her voice-work in 2014, guiding circles in Austria, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, Peru, Hungary, Denmark, India, Italy & Greece.
Apart from her singing circles and concerts, she currently gives voice - and transformational workshops, as well as a Voice & Soundhealing Training. In her private practice she offers Shamanic healing sessions.